Tuesday, May 8, 2012

9 years ago

"Lately, I've been feeling like I'm sinking. I don't know if it is just part of the grief process or what. But, it sucks.
I'll be doing something completely simple, and then I will get this sinking feeling in my chest. And, it feels like my whole body is just overcome with sadness. To the point where I am afraid to breathe. Because really...This cannot be my life."  

Erika posted that on her blog shortly after she lost her dad.
My heart sank. 
I remember that feeling.
I hate that feeling.
Sometimes I still get it.

Through the roller coaster posts of her losing her dad, I cried for her.
I cried for baby El.
Do I know them?
Nope. I read her blog. 
I comment even less.
No matter how much I wanted to reach out to her, I couldnt.
But now I wish I had.

9 years ago today, I lost the greatest man in my life.
My Dad.


I don't have any pictures of him on my computer right now,
and this is not all I want to say.
But for today, this is enough.
Miss you Dad!



Amanda said...

I can't even imagine losing my dad. He's still my hero. And it brings me to tears just thinking of it. I'm so sorry you've lost yours....

erika @ life unfluffed said...

I'm sorry you have had to go nine years without your dad. I'm even more sorry that you still have moments of "sinking"...It's not fair.

Mandy said...

I am so sorry for your loss. This week is the anniversary of a big loss for myself as well. It's always a hard time of the year. I like thinking I have an angel watching over me though, and I'm sure you do as well.