Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Jesus Freak"

Before I started school at The Naz, I always referred to the students as "Jesus Freaks"
I mean come on!
Chapel three times a week and Church?!

Now I go to school at The Naz.
I am not religious.
I do not attend Church.
I don't call myself a Christian.
I do believe in God.
I do pray.

Right now, I am in a class where we study the Bible.
I did not own a Bible before this class.
I went to our local Gospel Supply shop and bought this.
(only mine was 44.99...whattt!?)

I love this thing!
It is so much different than any other Bible I have seen...I will show you the inside one day.

Anyways...on with my point.
As I am reading Genesis I see this:

Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted. Light a few candles--enough that you can read what follows.

Read Genesis 1:26-27. Several Times. Out loud. Emphasize different words. Savor the feel of truth rolling around your mouth. Hear it drift into the shadows as you speak.

You are wonderously made.
Deliberately Made.
Not a creature of coincidence.
Not a random consequence.
Crafted by God.
Crafted for a purpose, a promise.
A gift not to be squandered.
Or cheapened.
Or tossed aside by other...or yourself.
Loved in a way that cannot be ignored.
Loved with a passion that inspires a response.
How will you respond to God's love?
Embrace it? Reject it?
Either way, it's a response.
Respond now...right now.
With words...or tears...or laughter.
Soak in God's love. Open your hands, you heart, to it.
You were made for it.

&Just so you have the verse and don't have to go finding it, here it is :

Genesis 1:26-27

New Living Translation (NLT)
 26 Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”
 27 So God created human beings in his own image.
      In the image of God he created them;
      male and female he created them.

Just remember how amazing you are and that you have a purpose.
xoxo Meghan

ps. I am scheduling this for the time I will be in Chapel, I felt like that was the next best thing to getting this hot off the press ;)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Dustin says..

1. Where do you see you and your girlfriend in ten years?
Married, living in Connecticut, 1 kid (plus our little angel baby). Meghan will be working in the NICU, and I will be a SAHD.

[Meghan here...How does my teacher education get me in the NICU!?]

2. If your girlfriend won $1,000, what do you think she would do with it?
Spend it all on baby things and blog stuff. Oh, and whatever the newest Apple Gadget is.

3. What one thing would your girlfriend save if your house was burning?
Her laptop.

4. If you checked the browser history on your girlfriend's computer, which website would show up the most?
Blogger/Google Reader.

5. Complete this sentence: My girlfriend has more ______ than anyone I know.
Leg Hair.

[Meghan again...uhhhh so I don't shave my legs in the winter. Am I really THAT weird?!]

6. How long does it take your girlfriend to get ready to go out (in minutes)?

7. What one item in the house do you make sure your girlfriend NEVER runs out of?
CranGrape Juice.

8. If you compared your girlfriend to a zoo animal, which would she be and why?
A penguin. You know, Socially awkward Penguin?

[He is referring to a meme, which by the sooo me]

9. Fill in the blanks: When my girlfriend wants to_____, I want to _____.
When my girlfriend wants to cuddle, I want to play xbox.

10. My favorite things my girlfriend cooks for me is?
Chocolate Chip Pancakes.

11. If I'm in a bad mood, all my girlfriend needs to do is_____to cheer me up.
Make me food.
I stole this from 2 lovely ladies, go check theirs out!
Ashlee's blog

Valerie's blog

Ohhh man, I love him :)
Most of these are what I would have put if answering them about myself!

Monday, February 27, 2012

We're Moving!

I have been waiting to post this until I had a day where I had no time to write, and no posts scheduled.
So here ya go!

About a year ago, we lost our house. I lived out of state at the time, and I was visiting home when we found out.

Before I continue any further, I want you to know we wrongfully lost our house, they did not give us fair time to get out, and our whole life was flipped upside for a while. If you wanna know the nitty-gritty or this happened to you, feel free to email me!

I was furious. That may even be an understatement. My mom had not even told me she was having problems with bills or anything.
I heard a knock.
Peeked out my window(Oh yes I am one of those people!).
There was a normal looking guy with a package.
I answered the door, he said hello,
and he pulled out his badge.
He asked if we had started packing yet...
what does that even mean!?

I grabbed the package and took it into my mom and asked.
She denied knowing anything.
She read it, found out our house was being repossessed.
My house!
My mom bought this house before I was born,
and I loved it with everything in me.


They got an apartment(where I live now).
[I hate it here]
So we have known once our lease was up we were moving anyways.
My mom has a bunch of health problems and didn't wanna buy a house again.
So we decided on a mobile home.

How cute is our little matching shed?
It needs some updating. But for the price and the fact nothing needs fixed.
It is near perfect for us.
We get the keys on Thursday.
I promise I will document everything from painting, to re-doing the bathroom, to decorating.
So expect some DIY/Decorating posts over the next few months.
I am SO excited to be moving!

The funny part?
My aunt is our neighbor!
How neat :)

xoxo Meghan

Friday, February 24, 2012

Shine It Forward

Ashley, from The Shine Project(go there after reading this!!), tweeted last week about needing some help with a project. 
Doesn't tell us what. 
No hints. Nothing.
You can see where to buy these shirts below!
Of course, I tweet back and I receive a lovely little email from her. 
She explains that she needs us to write a post today on said project. 

At this point, it's killing me!
 I am so excited to know, but she hasn't let me in on it yet.

(You're feeling that way right now, aren't you?)

Well I got that email the other day, and immediately told my boyfriend.
(I know, I know...I broke the secrecy rule. But he hates me blogging anyways so no words will come outta him!)
I am so proud to be one of the people to help launch this wonderful project <3

This is what she said:
Pass It Forward was designed to get people to do little things, everyday, that makes an impact on the community around them. Pass it Forward is designed around a card (read card that I've attached now so you understand). Each card is given a unique ID number. Lets say we're at McDonalds, and I decide to pay for the person behind me in the drive through. I'd give the cashier the card, and tell them to pass it along to the next car when the give them the food that has been paid for. I then go home and log into the website that was on the card, and find my unique ID number. I log into it, and add my information... My first name, city, and a description of what I did....
Let's say the person behind me was you, you would pass it forward to someone else, and then would go home and do the same thing. From the very beginning, you will be able to track where your card goes, and how many people you affect just by doing one simple act of kindness. Ashley not AMAZING?!
I love this project and I cannot wait to get my card in the mail and begin!
I promise that I will post about what I do...and who knows...maybe YOU will see my card!

Please go check out Ashley's page, she has some great merch, and she is doing so much to change the lives of those around us!

xoxo Meghan

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Jammies, babies, and lounging alll day! (Notice her hand...seriously!?)
I am so happy, and shocked, and full of emotions right now, because of YOU!
I have gotten 20+ facebook likes and 5+ followers in the past 24 hours!
I am planning on hosting a giveaway when I hit 50 followers and I can't wait!

There are some new things in store for this blog:
-New look
-Sponsors/Ads in the sidebar
-A giveaway...i know i already said it, but come is worth mentioning twice!!
-We are moving, so some DIY posts!

I can't wait to have this all wrap up, I am so excited for everything I have in store for you :)

xoxo Meghan

Oh! I won my first giveaway over at 5ohWifey! Go check her out and follow, she is super nice, has great posts, and 5ohbaby is adorable!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I never knew making cupcakes could be so messy fun!

I had James over for a couple hours last weekend, and he decided we HAD to make cupcakes.
Who cares if I have the just had to be done!

I decided that he should help me....a lot.
I mean come on, is that not what 5 year olds are made to do?!

I think the rest of this post can go without words. Enjoy!

xoxo Meghan

Monday, February 20, 2012

Liebster Award

Ellie gave me this award. I was thrilled the second I opened her email, I didn't even know what it was at the time!
“Liebster” is a word German and it translates loosely to “favorite” or something endearing for a loved one, like “dearest”. Thanks Ellie! :)

This award is set aside for up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers.

In case you have not heard of Ellie, here are a few things I think you should know!

-She has a beautiful soul...sounds corny...but seriously. Read one post and tell me you don't agree!
-She just started a non-profit organization, Speak Now. Go there. Like it. Help someone <3
-She is kind, supportive, sweet, and genuine. Come on, how many people are truly genuine nowadays?

So what are you waiting for? Go follow her!!

xoxo Meghan

Sunday, February 19, 2012


First off, I want to start by apologizing for my lack of posts. I had planned on writing/scheduling some posts this weekend and then got super busy! Go figure huh?
So now I am here going back to last weekend to finally catch myself up here ;)

My Soulie(aka my best friend/secret love/partner in crime/ashlee) came to visit from college.
You would think that wouldn't be such a  big deal, but I don't drive so we rarely see each other during the school year.

We started our night off at Pat Catan's.

Never been there? I'm so so sorry! It is a craft store, and it is cheeeap
My favorite thing ;)

Then we did a little clearance shopping at JCPenny, and scored these shoes for

We can't decide if they are cute or ugly...What do you think?

We ended our night with dinner at a local diner.
The entire time the waitresses/managers were trying to get us to buy the Valentine's special.

Uh hello? Do we look like a couple? ;)

Here's a few pictures of our night!

New ring c/o Tabitha
A couple things before I go:
-I promise a new design soon...this one is so blah!
-I have a couple posts to write for this week, and piles of homework, so hang in there!
- Did you notice I now have a facebook? Check it out in my sidebar and like it!
-Of course, thanks for reading! :)

xoxo Meghan

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Love Day Recap

This year for Valentine's Day, I was broke!
But The Boy had some money and made the day so special for me :)

First off, let me start by saying I do not have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I am known to sleep until The Boy gets home from school (11:30 am or later).
But this day, he expected me to not only be up, but fully ready for a lunch date.
Uh hello! That's almost impossible!

But I worked super hard and was ready by 12:15!!
&Off we went :)

He decided to take me to Hunan, the best Chinese place in town!

And in case you were wondering(which I know you weren't), I am a Monkey since I was born in '92!

I got egg drop soup&General Tso's! Yummmmm :)

Me burning my lips on hot soup :(
Dustin burning his tongue on MY food!

He also got me a Mason Jar, filled with sweets including Reese's!
Man, he knows me well.
But I forgot to take a picture, and the candy is all gone now...boooo!

Later I went shopping!
I got tons of clothes. Cute shirts, a dress, some leggings, shoes, jewelry. hehehe! I cannot wait to show you all of it!
But for now, you get this:
I know, such a mess, but I couldn't give away too much!

And then for dinner, we bought breakfast bowls at walmart and had a nice delicious glass of chocolate milk.
All while cuddling and Watching Green Lantern :)

What a good day!
How was your Valentine's Day?
Any special traditions with your significant other?

xoxo Meghan

Stay tuned tomorrow for My New Year Blog Party Post!
(talk about being late!)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Beside You In Time

Today I come to you with a cause very dear to my heart.
Arms Of An Angel
When I was younger, I used to go to AA meeting with my Dad. At one of them I met a young man named Carl. He was funny, sweet, smart, and had a huge heart. But he had an addiction. He came to my Dad for help, and my Dad did his best to be there for Carl.

In 2003 my Dad died, and I drifted from everyone my dad had sponsored and cared for. I didn't see Carl anymore.

In 2004, I met Carl's baby sister Hilari. She is the same age as me and we became great friends.

Please never hold this horrible picture against us in the future!

In February 2009, Hilari texted me and told me that Carl had accidentally overdosed on Heroin. Even though years had gone by since I had seen him, my heart went out to their family. 2 days later, on the fifteenth, I got the horrible news that Carl had passed.

I want you to pray for the Culberton's today and keep them in your thoughts as they go through this tough day. I will cherish their part in my lives forever. <3

Dave and Ellen, Carl's parents, created Arms of An Angel Foundation to spread awareness, educate people on the truths behind addiction, and to do as much as they can to stop this drug problem! I strongly urge you to take a couple minutes out of your day and read up on this.


PS. If you have any questions about this foundation do not hesitate to ask or contact them directly! They are truly amazing people and love any feedback or help :) Please link back to me if you choose to share Carl's story.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our Love Story

Before I begin, Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovely readers!

4-16-10  My Soulie is over, and we go on the website Chat Roulette. We do our usual, flirt and leave. Or just repeatedly next people because they are nasty and feel the need to get naked. It's a ridiculous site I tell you! But we found these 2 guys. Weird weird guys. One was playing guitar(yankee doodle to be exact) and one was typing to us. We talked for a while, they were nice, not jerks like most you find, and we gave them My cell number as a joke.

4-17-10 The next day I get a text from a random number. Guess who it is? Chat roulette guy. Turns out his name is Dustin, and he is super nice. So we talk, we get to know each other. I was not looking for anything more, I had a boyfriend at the time.

4-23-10 We have been talking nonstop for days. He is cute, we start flirting. My boyfriend and I are having problems and he is my release. He tells me he loves me. Uh huh! You read that right. That soon!

4-30-10 I turn 18(woohoo!), my boyfriend breaks up with me. I realize that maybe Dustin is the one for me.

May-July 2010 I struggle with commitment to Dustin. I cannot handle a long distance relationship, so until we meet I can't be exclusively his. (Oh god, I was so selfish! I regret this period in my life FYI )

August 2010 We meet for the first time. 6 amazing, too short, days full of loving and learning about each other.

September 2010 I move to Connecticut, 650 miles away from everything I know, to be with him.

June 2011
He moves to Ohio with me, to be back where I am from and go to school.

August 2011 Dustin leaves because he is not happy in Ohio.

September 2011 He comes baaaaackk :)

And now, here we are, celebrating our Second Valentine's Day Together!

A couple sidenotes to this post:
-we celebrate our anniversary as the day we met, because there never was an "official" day we started to be together.
-Even though our relationship has been rocky, far away, and difficult, we make the best of it each and every day!
-I will post about this years V-day on Thursday! :)

xoxo Meghan

Monday, February 13, 2012


Today I am thankful for..

...sweet Ellie, she gave me the Liebster award & I couldn't be happier(more on this later!)
...feeling better after a horrible day and being sick.

...getting my student loan money back ;)

...finally filing my taxes. boyfriend planning to surprise me for Valentine's Day. boyfriend helping me put clothes away!

...YOU! Every single person who reads my blog makes me happy. I can't begin to describe the inspiration I get from reading others and the comments on I get on my own posts. Thank you so much!

xoxo Meghan

PS-Many cute posts to come this week!

Oh! And a new look soon :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Love

This week I have felt so dissconnected with technology. 
I swear, I have been having an extremely crappy week.
But I know that this weekend my Soulie is coming home :) 
I can't wait! 
So here is my 10 on 10, and Embrace the Camera, and a little Soulie lovee :D

 My friend Zach and I at school...neither of us were very pleased for this picture hehe
 I'm telling you, my phone takes the worst pictures.
But I thought these faucets were awfully pretty for a public bathroom..shows what a $30,000 a year college gets ya ;)
 We are not allowed to have phones in this class, so quickly, me being such a rebel hiding my phone like a coward, snapped this photo.

 Welcome to my, "It's Friday and I am lazy" day :)
 Baby X <3 I cannot get enough of him!
 My two boys :')
(he hates this picture and begged me not to post this, but how could I not?)
 My friends have their laptop hooked up to their 52 inch tv...Wow!
The soulie <3 I will be seeing her lovely face tomorrow! Can't wait :)
 This is what we are thinking of doing to our bedroom when we move. We already have gray bedding and wanted to stick with a gray/black/green theme. I just think using green as our main wall color is too much.  
What do you think?
Also curtesoy to the boy for this lovely image :)

xoxo Meghan

P.S. Sorry I am an hour late...we were gone all night and I fail :(


ten on ten button