Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I've realized over the past couple years that I am truly lucky for the outcomes of some situations in my life. As simple as winning the lottery, or as big as family going through medical procedures.

Today, I was extremely lucky. It was my first day photographing actual people. Actual babies. That move. Fast.
I watched two co-workers of mine, and they did great, but you could see the stress and the struggle. Then I was up, I was scared I was going to get a newly walking child, or worse, a cranky one. What do I see come in my Camera room? A 5 week old baby, who was born prematurely. Thank you God! He was amazingly cute, and very easy to shoot. Of course he dirtied his diaper three times in the course of his day with me. Other than being hungry, and wanting to eat his hands, we got some priceless pictures. I wish I could show them!

I had 2 more easy sittings, and that was my day. One little boy fell and cried, and I was heartbroken. First fall, in my Camera room.

I also realized today that I love:
*Weight Watchers frozen dinners.
*My boyfriend, so much :)
*My job, and come on, how many people truly love their job?
*Babies. I can't wait!
*The patience mothers have while they get their children photographed.
*Computers! I couldn't make it without them!

I did a little grocery shopping today because I needed stuff to take to work. I only got a few things, but here they are:
WW Yogurts: 2 points
100 Calorie Cheez-It Snack Mix: 3 points
Rice Cakes: I don't know the points, and I don't care, they're DELICIOUS!
Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars: 2 points

I had quite a few points left when we were at the store, and the Reese's egg had been popping up everywhere, so finally I grabbed one.
I ate it.
Then I figured the points
. . .
FIVE. five. 5.
No matter how I write it out, it was not worth it. It was good. But not that good!

I ordered some charm bracelets, and charms. Both for me and my cousin, Ashley. I got them in the mail today, and absolutely love them! But the bracelets may be too frail to hold the charms. I will try and post pictures asap, but I am exhausted from today.The other two of my sittings were extremely active. Does anyone know of some fairly cheap sterling silver charm bracelets, or charms? I'm talking cheap. :) And NOT Pandora!

I have a new recipe to share with you guys this weekend! And it's a dessert...mmmm. I have to leave it at that, or I will need to wander downstairs and whip myself up something right now!


p.s. If you have any good photo ideas/poses for any age, with NO props, please send me a link in the comments or describe them! Thanks :)

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