Thursday, May 5, 2011

Birthday, Beach, Boyfriend :)

This is going to be a short post, and mainly pictures!

I turned 19 on 4/30. I was scheduled to work, but my work called and told me if I came in to receive my gift, then I could have the night off. So of course I did, and they got me balloons, cookies, cupcakes, and a bear :)
I love my coworkers!
Oh, and that's my adorable wittle Gabby. She wouldn't leave it alone for five seconds to get this picture!

Then I came home and we had a cook out and tooooo much food! Angel food cake and pudding, instead of the traditional birthday cake. (Very yummy, but unfortunately I forgot to take a picture).

Sunday we spent the day at the beach, and here's a few random pictures!
the boy&i :)

ready to go!

LOOK AT HIS FACE! oh geez hahaha

Me "That's amtrak! It has people on it!"
Patti "Uh...yeahh? What else do trains have?"
Me "Coal, Grain...that's what we have in Ohio!"

I found this stick, and decided the only logical choice, was to take this picture :)

1-Shells in my hoodie pocket=unflattering.
2-Random log? Photo op...duh.
3-The stick I'm holding? Yeah, it's in my suitcase now.

Does anyone know what this is?! They were everywhere, and I couldn't bring myself to touch it. I just had to know! :)

That's all for tonight, but soon I hope to be back with a superduper long update!


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