Sunday, April 17, 2011

Money Money!

Best thing about my job : Knowing that I am making kids smile, and knowing that parents now have a good picture of their kid. I love making my camera room a fun place, if I don't have fun, I know the kids aren't.

Nice bonus about my job : Money!

I have been able to help out here, buy my boyfriend and I an amazing date(more details later!), buy myself things I need, and want of course :P, and get a plane ticket home. With money to spare!

I've been having a great week, work has been good, talked to my mom and my friends a ton, and my boyfriend and I are great :D

So yesterday was Dustin & I's 1 year anniversary. I had to work, but he took me to work, and then he surprised me by coming back when I got off. We did some shopping (in which there was minimal complaining by him!!!) and I took him to Friendly's. We got an appetizer and a meal each. Boy were we stuffed! Then we need more shopping(god i love this boy!). I ended up buying my godson yet another onesie(he is not due until August), I got new work shoes, a purse(seriously, he's amazing), and some socks&undies! Woohoo!

We had an incident at work where a customer threw a fit they couldn't get what they wanted(trying to work the system) and it ended up ended pretty badly. Thankfully no one was hurt, but it did result in some crying children.

The new shoes (: A crappy picture, but hey, I had to take it as soon as I put them on.
I have to wear mostly black shoes for work and dress shoes are too uncomfortable, so these are perfect!
The new purse, from Aeropostale, 8.99! Reg. 39.50 :D
And finally, this is how I have been spending my days at work lately, I took this picture especially for my blog....and I know, it's kinda creepy!

And for anyone who like Aeropostale and has one near them, they are having AMAZING sales right now, I spent under $20 on a purse and 4 pairs of underwear. Everything is 50% off or more!


p.s. How horrible is it that we didn't take a picture one our 1 year? Oops!

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